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Central Lakes Trust backs community organisations with over $900k in grants

Central Lakes Trust (CLT) approved $911,875 in grants at their last board meeting held on 20 May in Cromwell. Of these, 13 were operational grants.


“There are many charitable organisations in our region doing important work for our community,” says Mat Begg, Grants Manager of CLT. “Through our operational grants we give these organisations peace of mind to focus on delivering their services without concern for covering their day-to-day costs. This is especially true for the smaller groups in our region.”


Among the grantees are Bone Marrow Cancer Trust (BMCT) who were granted $32,500 towards their operations.


“The continued support from CLT is invaluable, not only to our organisation but to the many patients and families who rely on our services,” says Mandy Kennedy, CEO of BMCT. “Last year alone, BMCT provided 250 nights of accommodation and support at Rānui House to patients and families from the CLT region who needed to travel to hospital in Christchurch for often life-saving medical treatment. With the exciting opening of the new Rānui Apartments later this year, we anticipate this number will significantly increase, allowing us to support even more families during their most challenging times.”

Outside view of Rānui House in Christchurch
Rānui House in Christchurch offers families traveling for bone marrow cancer treatment a warm and welcome home.

Cystic Fibrosis NZ (CFNZ) also received a $11,000 operational grant.


“Cystic Fibrosis (CF) can be very socially isolating and frightening when a parent is told their newborn has CF,” says Sue Radcliffe, Philanthropy Manager for Cystic Fibrosis NZ. “CFNZ’s social work service becomes a lifeline as they learn to cope with the relentless care needs this condition requires. Our Community Support Lead is a registered social worker who provides wrap-around lifelong support. She attends CF clinics with caregivers/adults to ensure each client receives optimal care, medication and treatment. She is in regular contact via freephone, email, video calls and travels to Central Otago conducting home visits assessing the physical, emotional and mental health needs of both the CF person and the caregivers.”


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