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CLT framework update

For several months now, Central Lakes Trust (CLT) has been working with Huber Social to develop an outcomes reporting and measuring impact framework – the CLT Framework.  The CLT Framework is based on wellbeing measurement and is widely used by a number of agencies both here in New Zealand and in Australia.

In mid-September Huber Social delivered a series of co-designed community workshops over 4 days with grantees representing all of CLT granting sectors. We remain very grateful to those who attended our workshops and contributed their time and expertise to this project. From the information gained in these workshops Huber developed the CLT Framework, including social impact and measurement plan.

The next step in the process is to run a pilot to test the CLT Framework. We hope to work with six grantees all operating in the youth space. This will enable both the CLT and the grantees to be involved in the full process – from the development of an impact thesis to its practical application and reporting. We believe that the learnings gained will support the continued successful roll out of the CLT Framework across all grantees wishing to adopt this Framework.

Additionally, seeing the process end to end and unpacking deliverables will allow CLT and those grantees involved to fully understand the scope of what is required to measure longitudinally, and find the right level of rigour and support required for successful continued roll out.

We believe that at report delivery, grantee specific findings will be available to support grantees to both evidence and articulate their impact, as well as support an increased understanding of the priority needs and predictors of wellbeing for the young people they support, which can ultimately be utilised to improve service design and delivery. 

Collective findings for the youth sector will support CLT's understanding of the priorities and aspirations of participating youth, informing their support of other grantees working in this space. Findings can also be shared more broadly to support others working with youth beyond CLT grantees.

The pilot is expected to occur in the first half of 2025 and we hope to report more about this exciting journey throughout the year. If you wish to understand more about CLT’s work in this space, please feel free to reach out:

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