Kathy Dedo
Deputy Chair
Elected Trustee
(2019 - present)
Kathy was elected to the board as a trustee in the November 2019 triennial elections, and re-elected in 2022. She worked for KPMG and Mercer Consulting Group in corporate strategic planning, organisational development, and leadership communication in the US and UK before moving to Wānaka in 2002. Since then she’s held a variety of management roles, most recently at Community Networks/LINK, the Upper Clutha’s one-stop community support and connection centre.
Current governance roles include Sport Otago (Deputy Chair) and Kāpuia, a ministerial advisory group providing guidance to the government on its response to the Christchurch mosque attacks. Kathy has also been on the boards of the Wānaka Chamber of Commerce, Parenting4Life, Mainly Music, Alpine Community Development Trust, Wānaka Area Youth Trust, Wānaka Alcohol Group, two local schools, and Shaping Our Future. She is a Leadership New Zealand Fellow and a member of the Institute of Directors.
Kathy is involved in music, theatre, and education, and keeps active in the beautiful lakes and mountains of the region. She married into a wonderful West Otago family and is raising three children with her husband Phil. Kathy values the immense contribution volunteers and community groups make, and feels privileged to be a part of the Central Lakes Trust which supports them.